martes, 19 de julio de 2011


WHATAMI es el título del proyecto ganador del estudio stARTT de la inauguración del programa de jóvenes arquitectos del MAXXI Museo nacional de las artes del siglo XXI. La intervención se ha realizado en las inmediaciones del museo.

Especificaciones del proyecto:

WHATAMI is based on the manufacturing of an artificial archipelago-hill, generating smaller green areas in the garden and potentially outside the museum. WHATAMI is the corruption of "What am I", the industrial declination of the first puzzle invented in the XVIII century for fun-learning by John Spilsbury, it could be dismounted along the geographic boundaries; a tribute to the maps of Alighiero Boetti, which is dedicated to the square of the MAXXI. The hill works as a garden, injecting “green” into the concrete plateau of the museum’s outdoor space, allowing it to serve as a stage and/or parterre for concerts and other events, or as a space to rest and look at the museum itself. The artificial landscape will be punctuated by large “flowers” providing light, shadow and sound. The materials proposed for the installation involve a two-fold recycling processes; natural elements will come back to their original sites, the high-tech objects will be replaced in one of the abandoned places of the city waiting for a rehabilitation. 

Para más información del proceso constructivo visiten el blog creado por el estudio: Whatami Project

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